Marin Mersenne 2^P-1
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PrimeNet Assignment Rules

Since PrimeNet began, the server has recycled exponents where the client computer is 60 days past due in updating the server. This rule has been fairly effective and will continue. However, there were cases where exponents were tied up for years without completing.

In early 2014, the assignment and recycle rules were tightened up to provide more orderly progress on GIMPS milestones. In April 2016, the rules were further refined.

The table below applies to first time PRP tests and Lucas-Lehmer double-checking. P-1 assignments are given 30 days to complete. Once assigned, trial factoring is also given 30 days to complete.

Logon to view or change the setting that allows you to get the smallest available exponents if your computers can meet the requirements for returning results in a timely manner.

Double Checking

Category 0
First 200
Assigned to users that promise to complete assignments quickly (see setting in green above).
Computer must have enough LL and DC GHz-days over the last 120 days to indicate the assignment will be completed in 10 days.
Computer must have no expired assignments or bad or suspect results in the last 120 days.
Computer must have returned at least 10 results in the last 120 days.
Setting for "days of work to queue" <= 3.
Not available for manual testing.
Must be completed in 30 days
Assignments are recycled if assignment is not started with 10 days or when assignment is more than 30 days old.
Category 1
First 5072
Assigned to users that promise to complete assignments quickly (see setting in green above).
Computer must have enough LL and DC GHz-days over the last 120 days to indicate the assignment will be completed in 30 days (including the setting for "days of work to queue").
Computer must have no expired assignments or bad or suspect results in the last 120 days.
Computer must have returned at least 5 results in the last 120 days.
Not available for manual testing.
Must be completed in 60 days
Assignments are recycled if assignment is not started within 30 days or does not report in for 30 days or when assignment is more than 60 days old.
Category 2
First 21656
Computer must have enough LL and DC GHz-days over the last 120 days to indicate the assignment will be completed in 60 days.
Computer must have no expired assignments or bad or suspect results in the last 120 days.
Computer must have returned at least 3 results in the last 120 days.
Setting for "days of work to queue" <= 10.
If manual testing, user must have signed up for the smallest exponents (see setting in green above)
Must be completed in as little as 120 days
Assignments are recycled if assignment is not started within 60 (unless manual testing) days or when the exponent moves midway into the first category and the assignment is more than 120 days old.
Category 3
First 36876
Computer must have enough LL and DC GHz-days over the last 120 days to indicate the assignment will be completed in 90 days.
Must be completed in as little as 240 days
Assignments are recycled if assignment is not started within 120 (unless manual testing) days or when the exponent moves midway into the first category and the assignment is more than 240 days old.
Category 4
Assigned to anyone.
Must be completed in as little as 360 days
Assignments are recycled if assignment is not started within 180 (unless manual testing) days or when the exponent moves midway into the first category and the assignment is more than 360 days old.

Primality tests

Category 0
First 200
Assigned to users that promise to complete assignments quickly (see setting in green above).
Computer must have enough PRP GHz-days over the last 120 days to indicate the assignment will be completed in 15 days.
Computer must have no expired assignments or bad or suspect results in the last 120 days.
Computer must have returned at least 10 results in the last 120 days.
Setting for "days of work to queue" <= 3.
Not available for manual testing.
Must be completed in 30 days
Assignments are recycled if assignment is not started with 7 days or when assignment is more than 30 days old.
Category 1
First 11322
Computer must have enough PRP GHz-days over the last 120 days to indicate the assignment will be completed in 30 days.
Computer must have no expired assignments or bad or suspect results in the last 120 days.
Computer must have returned at least 5 results in the last 120 days.
Setting for "days of work to queue" <= 5.
Not available for manual testing.
Must be completed in 90 days
Assignments are recycled if assignment is not started within 20 days or does not report in for 30 days or when assignment is more than 90 days old.
Category 2
First 32112
Computer must have enough PRP GHz-days over the last 120 days to indicate the assignment will be completed in 60 days.
Computer must have no expired assignments or bad or suspect results in the last 120 days.
Computer must have returned at least 3 results in the last 120 days.
Setting for "days of work to queue" <= 10.
If manual testing, user must have signed up for the smallest exponents (see setting in green above)
Must be completed in as little as 180 days
Assignments are recycled if assignment is not started within 30 (unless manual testing) days or when the exponent moves midway into the first category and the assignment is more than 180 days old.
Category 3
First 48888
Computer must have enough PRP GHz-days over the last 120 days to indicate the assignment will be completed in 90 days.
Must be completed in as little as 270 days
Assignments are recycled if assignment is not started within 90 (unless manual testing) days or when the exponent moves midway into the first category and the assignment is more than 270 days old.
Category 4
Assigned to anyone.
Must be completed in as little as 360 days
Assignments are recycled if assignment is not started within 90 (unless manual testing) days or when the exponent moves midway into the first category and the assignment is more than 360 days old.
Thresholds as of 2025-02-11 23:20:00

This table details the minimum requirements for certain work types and how the server decides what work type to give clients that choose "do what makes the most sense".

Thresholds for "do what makes the most sense" work preference

Minimum Pentium 4 equivalent speed to get first-time PRP tests5500 MHz
Minimum Pentium 4 equivalent speed to get double-check tests800 MHz
Maximum exponent assigned to CPUs with 128KB or less L2 cache10000000
Maximum exponent assigned to CPUs with 256KB or less L2+L3 cache20000000

Thresholds for first-time PRP assignments

Force double-checks if CPU reliability less than0.70
and CPU confidence level is greater than or equal to2.0
Minimum Pentium 4 equivalent speed for a proven reliable computer5500 MHz
Minimum reliability for a proven reliable computer0.90
Minimum confidence level for a proven reliable computer2.0

Thresholds for double-check assignments

Force ECM if CPU reliability less than0.50
and CPU confidence level is greater than or equal to2.0
Minimum Pentium 4 equivalent speed for a proven reliable computer1000 MHz
Minimum reliability for a proven reliable computer0.95
Minimum confidence level for a proven reliable computer2.0

Thresholds for P-1 factoring assignments

Required memory for P-1 assignments1024 MB

Thresholds for trial factoring assignments

Minimum Pentium 4 equivalent speed to get non-LMH assignments50 MHz