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PrimeNet CPU Benchmarks

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CPU Model Avg Speed (MHz) 29.69M to 34.56M (1792K)34.56M to 39.50M (2048K)39.50M to 49.10M (2560K)49.10M to 58.52M (3072K)58.52M to 68.13M (3584K)68.13M to 77.91M (4096K)Trial fac 65 bits
Intel Celeron G1840 @ 2.80GHz260129.1439.5354.71119.36100.3287.63
Intel Xeon Gold 6442Y26005.96
Pentium Dual-Core E5300 @ 2.60GHz259936.3938.9850.0362.7883.9581.886.56
All timings are in milliseconds - lower is better